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Get recent microblocks

Retrieves a list of microblocks.

If you need to actively monitor new microblocks, we highly recommend subscribing to WebSockets or for real-time updates.

Query Parameters
limit integer

Possible values: value ≤ 200

Max number of microblocks to fetch

Example: 100
offset integer

Index of the first microblock to fetch

Example: 42000

List of microblocks

limit integer

Possible values: value ≤ 30

The number of microblocks to return

offset integer

The number to microblocks to skip (starting at 0)

total integer

The number of microblocks available

results object[]
canonical boolean

Set to true if the microblock corresponds to the canonical chain tip.

microblock_canonical boolean

Set to true if the microblock was not orphaned in a following anchor block. Defaults to true if the following anchor block has not yet been created.

microblock_hash string

The SHA512/256 hash of this microblock.

microblock_sequence integer

A hint to describe how to order a set of microblocks. Starts at 0.

microblock_parent_hash string

The SHA512/256 hash of the previous signed microblock in this stream.

block_height integer

The anchor block height that confirmed this microblock.

parent_block_height integer

The height of the anchor block that preceded this microblock.

parent_block_hash string

The hash of the anchor block that preceded this microblock.

parent_burn_block_hash string

The hash of the Bitcoin block that preceded this microblock.

parent_burn_block_time integer

The block timestamp of the Bitcoin block that preceded this microblock.

parent_burn_block_time_iso string

The ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ) formatted block time of the bitcoin block that preceded this microblock.

parent_burn_block_height integer

The height of the Bitcoin block that preceded this microblock.

block_hash string

The hash of the anchor block that confirmed this microblock. This wil be empty for unanchored microblocks

txs string[]

List of transactions included in the microblock