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Call read-only function

Call a read-only public function on a given smart contract.

The smart contract and function are specified using the URL path. The arguments and the simulated tx-sender are supplied via the POST body in the following JSON format:

Path Parameters
contract_address string REQUIRED

Stacks address

contract_name string REQUIRED

Contract name

Example: imaginary-friends-zebras
function_name string REQUIRED

Function name

Example: get-token-uri
Query Parameters
tip string

The Stacks chain tip to query from

Request Body REQUIRED

map of arguments and the simulated tx-sender where sender is either a Contract identifier or a normal Stacks address, and arguments is an array of hex serialized Clarity values.

sender string REQUIRED

The simulated tx-sender

arguments string[] REQUIRED

An array of hex serialized Clarity values



okay boolean
result string OPTIONAL
cause string OPTIONAL