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Get recent burnchain reward recipients

Retrieves a list of recent burnchain (e.g. Bitcoin) reward recipients with the associated amounts and block info

Query Parameters
limit integer

Possible values: value ≤ 250

max number of rewards to fetch

offset integer

index of first rewards to fetch

Example: 42000

List of burnchain reward recipients and amounts

limit integer

Possible values: value ≤ 30

The number of burnchain rewards to return

offset integer

The number to burnchain rewards to skip (starting at 0)

results object[]
canonical boolean

Set to true if block corresponds to the canonical burchchain tip

burn_block_hash string

The hash representing the burnchain block

burn_block_height integer

Height of the burnchain block

burn_amount string

The total amount of burnchain tokens burned for this burnchain block, in the smallest unit (e.g. satoshis for Bitcoin)

reward_recipient string

The recipient address that received the burnchain rewards, in the format native to the burnchain (e.g. B58 encoded for Bitcoin)

reward_amount string

The amount of burnchain tokens rewarded to the recipient, in the smallest unit (e.g. satoshis for Bitcoin)

reward_index integer

The index position of the reward entry, useful for ordering when there's more than one recipient per burnchain block